What Is Business Intelligence?

The term “Business Intelligence” has made its way into popular culture and has been used to describe a range of software and technology tools aimed at helping businesses make better decisions and gain valuable insights from their data. 

Business Intelligence (BI) is all around us. It is one of the most popular buzzwords in the business world, but what does it really mean? 

What is Business Intelligence? 

Business intelligence is a field that merges information technology, business analytics, and data analysis. It is concerned with how to make information technologies more valuable to the business and to the long-run sustainability of the organization.

Business intelligence (BI) is an approach to using data to improve decision-making. In simple terms, it is the practice of using data analysis tools and techniques to improve decision-making, usually through the extraction of meaningful information for action. BI has been defined in various ways. One definition relates the term to a particular type of database that is used to support decision-making. Others view it as being a framework for using data to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of decision-making. A third definition is that it is a set of tools and techniques that can be used to help organizations make decisions using data.

Why Is Business Intelligence Important?

Business intelligence (BI) is a form of information technology designed to help companies gain actionable information out of the raw data that is fed into their operations. The data is generally raw and unorganized. Business intelligence systems digest that raw data, organize it into a more convenient form, and then use business rules to provide actionable information for the management team.

Business Intelligence is an important capability that can help solve business problems. It is an umbrella term to describe the process of using data to make more effective decisions. BI uses a wide range of technologies, including business intelligence tools, data warehouses, and business intelligence platforms. The most important BI tool is the data warehouse, which is a collection of historical data that is used to make predictions, analyze trends, and make decisions. It is the starting point for BI. Most BI efforts are focused on improving the quality of data rather than the quantity of data. 

What are Business Intelligence Techniques?

You’re probably already using some kind of advanced statistics and predictive analytics in your day-to-day work—now you can use them to improve your unique business challenges! But what exactly do business intelligence (BI) techniques do?

Business intelligence is the practice of using computerized technology to aid decision-making. It is an important part of the process of turning raw data into meaningful information. There are many types of business intelligence techniques. At the most basic level, it uses a spreadsheet and standard formulas to capture data and then turn it into charts, graphs, and other visual representations. But the real value comes in sophisticated computer modeling that involves statistical techniques in combination with data science, advanced mathematics, and other advanced technologies. 

Some business intelligence functions are;

Data Mining

Data mining is a method of examining large amounts of data to find insights that can be used to make decisions. It uses a variety of techniques, including statistical analysis of large datasets, artificial intelligence (AI), and machine learning.


Querying is the technique of retrieving data from a database. It can be used for a variety of different purposes, such as finding data that meets certain criteria, finding a specific piece of information, or getting a list of all the data that meets certain criteria.

Data Preparation 

Data preparation is the process in which data is prepared for analysis. There are various data preparation techniques available, all of which can lead to different results.


Reporting is the process of sharing data analysis with decision-makers so they can draw conclusions and make decisions.


Benchmarking is a strategy that involves comparing current performance data to historical data to track performance against goals, typically using customized dashboards. It is an essential element of business intelligence.

Statistical Analysis

Statistical analysis is the process of collecting the results from descriptive analytics, interpreting data, and applying statistics to identify trends. 

Descriptive Analytics 

Descriptive analytics is using preliminary data analysis to find out what happened. This type of analysis is used to characterize the relationships between variables of interest and those that are not, and to describe the data.

Data visualization 

Data visualization is the process of visualizing data using images, charts, or other graphics to suggest trends, patterns, relationships, and insights. A data visualization can be simple and easy to understand or complex and more difficult to interpret, depending on the type of data used to create the visualization.

The Future Role Of Business Intelligence

In a world where humans and machines work together to provide answers to the inquiring minds of businesses, the role of business intelligence becomes increasingly important. Over the last few years, we have seen the popularity of business intelligence tools increase massively, with organizations like Google and Facebook seeing immediate success in their use.
So, stay up-to-date with the trends and developments in business intelligence for the success of your organization.

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